100 Fail to initialize OLE. Please verify the OLE Library version is correct.\n 128 Viewer\n\nViewer\n\n\nPG.Document\nPG Document 1004 Adjust slider for desired image size\nZoom Slider 20000 Zoom 20001 In 20002 Out 20003 Fit 20595 Select the image quality of Jpeg from the list 20596 Specify the file size when saving Jpeg files 20597 Save files as the selected image quality 20598 Close the dialog without applying any changes you have made 20599 Save without compression 20600 Compress TIFF files with LZW 20601 Save files as the selected format 20602 Close the dialog without applying any changes you have made 20603 Select the image quality of FlashPix from the list 20604 Specify the file size when saving FlashPix 20605 Do not compress 20606 Save files as the specified image quality 20607 Close the dialog without applying any changes you have made 20608 Type the degree you want to rotate 20609 Specify the rotation degree 20610 Increase the rotation degree counterclockwise 20611 Increase the rotation degree clockwise 20612 Rotate 20613 Close the dialog without rotating 20614 Specify the width you want to convert to 20615 Specify the height you want to convert to 20616 Specify the enlargement/reduction ratio 20617 Do the specified enlargement/reduction 20618 Close the dialog without doing enlargement or reduction 32771 Rotate right 90 degrees.\nRight 90 32772 Rotate 180 degrees.\n180 32773 Rotate left 90 degrees.\nLeft 90 32774 Rotate at custom angle\nCustom angle 32775 Resize 25% of original image\nResize 25% 32776 Resize 50% of original image\nResize 50% 32777 Resize 150% of original image\nResize 150% 32778 Resize 200% of original image\nResize 200% 32779 Resize custom scale of original image\ncustom 32780 Flip Horizontal\nFlip Horizontal 32781 Flip Vertical\nFlip Vertical 32782 Crop selected image\nCrop 32788 Display image information\nInformation 32789 Zoom in\nZoom in 32790 Zoom out\nZoom out 32791 Display 25% of original size 32792 Display 50% of original size 32793 Display 100% of original size 32794 Display 200% of original size 32795 Display 400% of original size 32796 Display fitting to the window\nfitting to window 32797 Switch to pointer cursor\nPointer cursor 32798 Switch to hand cursor\nhand cursor 32799 Switch to zoom in cursor\nZoom in cursor 32800 Switch to zoom out cursor\nZoom out cursor 32801 Display/Not display of tool bar\nDisplay /Not display of tool bar 32802 Delete the selection\nDelete Selection 32807 Display/Not display of tool bar\nDisplay /Not display of tool bar 32814 Display/Not display of tool bar\nDisplay /Not display of tool bar 32815 Display full screen\nFull screen 33000 Open original folder\nOpen folder 33001 Save the current image as the FDi service matching format 33002 Adds a text label under each toolbar button.\nText Labels 57344 Viewer 57345 For Help, press F1 57346 Select the object which uses HELP 57600 Create a new document\nNew 57601 Open an existing document\nOpen 57602 Close the Active Document\nClose 57603 Save the Active document\nSave 57604 Save As...\nSave As... 57605 Change the page layout\nPage Layout 57606 Change printer/print setting\nPrint Setup 57607 Print the active document\nPrint 57609 Display print layout preview\npreview 57616 Open the specified file 57617 Open the specified file 57618 Open the specified file 57619 Open the specified file 57620 Open the specified file 57621 Open the specified file 57622 Open the specified file 57623 Open the specified file 57624 Open the specified file 57625 Open the specified file 57626 Open the specified file 57627 Open the specified file 57628 Open the specified file 57629 Open the specified file 57630 Open the specified file 57631 Open the specified file 57632 Clear selected area\nClear 57633 Clear All\nClear All 57634 Copy selected area and save in clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut selected area and save in clipboard\nCut 57636 Search selected character line\nSearch 57637 Paste contents of clipboard\nPaste 57640 Repeat the last operation\nRepeat 57641 Replace selected character line with other character line\nReplace 57642 Select everything\nSelect All 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57653 Divide working window\nDivide 57664 Display version information\nversion information 57665 Close Application\nClose 57666 List of the HELP topics\n Help Index 57667 List Help topics\nHelp topics 57668 Display how to use HELP\n Help 57669 Display the HELP of the button, menu or window that are clicked\nHelp 57670 Display the HELP of the current task or command\nHelp 57680 Switch to Next Window\nNext Page 57681 Switch to Previous Window\nPrevious Page 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59142 KANA 59392 Display/Not display of tool bar\nDisplay /Not display of tool bar 59393 Display/Not display of status bar\nDisplay/Not display of status bar 61184 Change Window Size 61185 Change Window Position 61186 Minimize Window 61187 Maximize Window 61188 Switch to Next Window 61189 Switch to Previous Window 61190 Close working window and instruct to save the changed file 61202 Restore Window 61203 Switch Window 61445 Close Print Preview Mode\nCancel Preview 61446 Top Left (%d, %d) Width Height (%d, %d) Bottom Right (%d, %d) 61447 Read the image/Fail to load into memory 61448 Extension %s does not match file format 61449 The selected file does not exist. 61451 Software\Sony Corporation\PictureGearLite\4.1 61452 Out of memory 61453 Fail to operate clip board 61454 The maximum number of viewers have been launched, please select fewer images and try again. 61455 Fail to save the file 61456 Image size cannot be zero. Check your setting again. 61457 Image width or height exceeds 4096 pixel. Check your setting again. 61458 Software\Sony Corporation\PictureGearLite\Filters 61461 Rotate 61462 Resize 61463 &Redo 61464 &Undo 61465 Save 61466 Print 61467 Image Information 61468 Full Screen 61469 Help 61470 Undo 61471 Redo 61472 Right 90 61473 Left 90 61474 180 61475 Flip Horizontal 61476 Flip Vertical 61477 Zoom In 61478 Zoom Out 61479 Scroll 61480 Pointer 61481 Image Information 61482 %Y/ %m/ %d %H:%M:%S 61483 Flash fired 61484 Flash did not fire 61485 unknown 61486 Daylight 61487 Fluorescent 61488 Tungsten 61489 Standard light A 61490 Standard light B 61491 Standard light C 61492 D55 61493 D65 61494 D75 61495 other 61496 %d/ %02d/ %02d %02d:%02d:%02d 61497 Software\Sony Corporation\PictureGearLite\4.1\PicView 61498 Would you like to save your changes? 61499 FlashPix Option 61500 This file is read only 61501 Minimize 61502 Close 61503 Restore 61504 Fix MenuBar 61505 %s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it? 61506 Ctrl